Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Don't forget to eat: The thing about hyperfocus

There is a flip-side to more well known restlessness and distraction of ADD. It's what some call Hyperfocus.
Not many know about it, but it's a powerful tool that has allowed many ADDers to achieve amazing things.
Adults with ADD have had to cope with the condition their entire lives. While this can prove debilitating to as a child in school, you learn to compensate as you grow. The result is the ability to slip into a heightened period of tunnel vision and energy (and sometime brilliance) aimed at a particular goal.

In science fiction movies, you sometimes hear dialogue like this:

"Damnit, Johnson! You're obsessed! This death ray of yours is making you crazy. You haven't left this lab in days, you haven't eaten and you haven't slept! Snap out of it!"

Well, I'm no screenwriter

Anyhow, this skill comes in handy when taking on a long and difficult project. I've done 15-hour slogs through projects overnight without sleep, eating and a break. The weird thing is that it's not a conscious decision. If you pay attention, you can feel yourself slipping into that state. It feels great.

However, it's difficult to shake. I've found it very hard to stop when I should. Stepping away from that state is hard, especially since it's such a departure from my normal behavior.

Still, once you step back and see what you've done ... you'll often astound yourself.
That confidence you get will last long after the world rushes back into your head and you're back "normal."

Anyone have any stories of extreme hyperfocus?

Pulling back from the keyboard until next time,